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Is this the right population?
  • "It is imperative that any lease agreement provides the tenant with the same rights and responsibilities as a typical lease holder and that the financial terms of the lease are such that the household has a reasonable ability to assume rental costs once financial support ends (keeping in mind that in the majority of cases, even households with no income at move-in retain their housing)"
  • "The target populations for these programs were households who faced barriers to housing, but who were not likely to need long-term assistance"

  • "Rapid re-housing is intended to serve people experiencing homelessness with no preconditions such as employment, income, absence of criminal record, or sobriety

"By increasing landlords' costs of doing business, legal services attorneys may enrich their clients at the expense of all other similarly situated poor tenants." -- reference - Relevant Papers: 1, 2

Any effect that we observe with be a function of "aggregate" variables

flowchart LR
    A(Preferences/Income) -->  C(Demand);
    C --> E(Market Equilibrium);
    D(Supply) --> E
    M(Expectations) -->C;
    M --> D;
    Z(Taxes/Subsidies) --> C;
    Z --> D;
    A --> D;
    E --> Q(Quantity);
    E --> R(Prices);


  • According to his research, legal services attorneys tended not to represent tenants in evictions brought by large, corporate landlords; instead, they primarily defended tenants in evictions brought by private individual landlords, including a substantial percentage of "mom and pop" landlords who lived in the same buildings as their tenants.
  • However, as will be seen below, very few tenants represented by legal services attorneys file answers; more often, their cases are settled, dismissed, or withdrawn during the pretrial phases of litigation. Accordingly, in cases involving legal services attorneys, the housing court files contain little information on tenant defenses.
  • Previous studies have compared evictions involving tenants represented by legal services attorneys and evictions involving unrepresented tenants --reference
  • took thirty percent longer to reach final disposition than cases in which tenants represented themselves and contested their evictions.
  • read 1, 2

Differentiating Outcomes

  • landlords withdrew their actions
  • terms of settlement agreements


  • capitalization rate
  • negative leverage
  • judgment of possession
  • arrears
  • VI score (vulnerability)
Program Details (Short)

Provides housing search services, short-term financial assistance (e.g., help paying rent and move-in costs), and case management services.

Program Details
  • Housing Identification
    • Recruit landlords to provide housing opportunities for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
    • Address potential barriers to landlord participation such as concern about the short term nature of rental assistance and tenant qualifications.
    • Assist households to find and secure appropriate rental housing.
  • Rent and Move-In Assistance
    • Provide assistance to cover move-in costs, deposits, and the rental and/or utility assistance (typically six months or less) necessary to allow individuals and families to move immediately out of homelessness and to stabilize in permanent housing.
  • Rapid re-housing case management and services
    • Help individuals and families experiencing homelessness identify and select among various permanent housing options based on their unique needs, preferences, and financial resources.
    • Help individuals and families experiencing homelessness address issues that may impede access to housing (such as credit history, arrears, and legal issues).
    • Help individuals and families negotiate manageable and appropriate lease agreements with landlords.
    • Make appropriate and time-limited services and supports available to families and individuals to allow them to stabilize quickly in permanent housing.
    • Provide or assist the household with connections to resources that help them improve their safety and well-being and achieve their long-term goals.
    • Ensure that services provided are client-directed, respectful of individuals’ rights to self-determination, and voluntary.